
Equipping couples with practical, scripture-based approaches to real-world issues through conferences, personal meetings, small groups and resources.

The many years of communism in Romania have left their mark on thefamily. They have also left a society without any basis for knowing howto have a healthy marriage and family. Alcoholism especially amongmen is a large problem affecting many families. Babies beingabandoned, adultery, abuse, divorce, etc… are all on the rise since theend of communism.

Family Life is striving to reach families with the gospel andthe hope of healthy families through:

  • Family Life Conferences created especially for singles teaching Christian principles on relationships and preparing for marriage.

  • Family Life conferences geared towards Christians and non-Christians marrieds and after marriage.

  • Seminars on child rearing including dealing with adolescent and the challenges they bring.

  • Encouraging churches to sponsor Family Life conferences for their members and to reach out to those in their communities.

  • Encouraging churches to begin Home Builder Bible studies for those attending the conferences as a follow up
