Support Ministries


The National Leadership Team (NLT) would like to help and encourage each and every ministry team in their effort to raise money for their ministry projects. Our NLT’s goal is to help each ministry team be fully self-sustaining (not dependent upon resources raised by others) by 2020.  This proposal outlines our first step toward that goal.

Present Realities:

In Cru Romania we have 8 main staff teams, besides the NT and Operations team, with a total of 73 staff. Except for one, all of them are Romanians. These teams are working in various areas such as among students (4 teams), families (one team), business people (one team), planting new churches (one team), on the internet (one team).  From it’s beginning, Cru Romania, emerging from a communist context, received considerable funding from donations raised in the US as well as from an allocation of funds by the US ministry.  In 2012 economic realities and a change in the allocation of funds from the US ministry led to the dawning of a new paradigm for the Romanian ministry. 

This new paradigm is built on our recognition that it is of growing importance for the people of Romania to play a significant role in the on-going funding of our staff as well as the collective efforts of each ministry team.  We believe that to fully accomplish our vision we can no longer just look to the West to provide funding, but rather we must grow the vision and motivation of Romanian people to support what we believe is an authentic Romanian ministry.

Action Plan:

Over the past year we have begun to help each of the 8 local ministry teams grow in their ability to develop a local base of support within the country.  While they have been accustomed to developing their personal support, they are now in the process of learning what it means to raise the additional support to cover various ministry projects and activities.

As an encouragement to these 8 local teams the NLT is also seeking to raise $2,500 per team to serve as an encouragement to them as they begin to raise their ministry expenses locally.

For example while the typical cost of a campus ministry team for 1 year is $10,000 per campus, our goal would be to provide the first $2,500 of that as an encouragement to them.  This $2,500 would come to them, and to each of our teams, on a matching basis – as they raise funds locally, we will match up to this amount .

Applying this principle to all of our ministries would look as follows:

Campus team

Campus team

  • $10,000
  • Teams to Bucharest, Brasov, Iasi, Cluj
  • This amount will contribute to each teams’ effort to touch about 3,000 students with the Gospel in each campus
  • provide for 40-50 students to participate in training and vision retreats
  • conduct on-going weekly student meetings for growth and fellowship
  • development of summer projects to allow student leaders the opportunity to grow in their leadership potential
  • 33 staff are involved in these teams




  • $2,500
  • This amount will contribute to the team’s effort to organize one Family Life conference where they expect 50 couples to sign up. About half of these families will probably be non-believers.  Every couple will be paying for 75% of their conference expenses.
  •  It will also help train about 10 couples to lead Home Builders groups. 
  • 10 staff are involved in this team.
Church Movement  team

Church Movement team

  • $2,500
  • A team of 8 staff
  • This amount will contribute to the team’s effort to organize the Evangelistic Campaign using big tents over the summer
  • The team plans next summer to use this strategy in 3 counties with about 20 locations each.
  • We hope that there will be about 20,000 people exposed to the Gospel in each county; In addition to that we hope that there will be 10 new follow up groups started.


Lead Impact team

Lead Impact team

  • $2.500
  • A team of 3 staff
  • They try to reach young professionals, business people and officers
  • This amount will contribute to the team’s effort to organize an evangelistic dinner for about 60 people. We expect that forty will be non-believers.
Internet/Media team

Internet/Media team

  •  $2,500
  • A team of 4 staff
  • They reach people on the internet using evangelistic websites (, and disciple them using website and one-on-one Bible studies.
  • This amount will help them especially with advertisement for our websites on Google and to train about 20 new volunteers. 

Positive Benefits and Outcomes:

It is the responsibility of the NLT to help each local ministry team  be successful in developing the funds needed for their ministry.  Having benefitted for the past 20+ years as a result of donations from outside of Romania, we are now committed to a much greater percentage of funding coming from within the country.  We believe this is a sign of a healthy and growing Body of Christ in Romania.  Through these matching funds we want to encourage each team to bring in their local contribution.

In this way we believe:

  • Each team will see God’s provision in a specific way
  • Each team will be more appreciative of the NLTand its effort to raise ministry funds
  • Each team will be wiser as to how it will spend the money.
  • The results of the NLT’s  effort to raise money will be doubled by each team’s effort to raise the same amount of money locally.

Our request:

The Romanian ministry was raised up by the Lord, to help give everyone in Romania and opportunity to hear the Gospel through the life and lips of someone who truly walks with Jesus.  Over the years we have seen great progress but there is still much to be done and the Lord has given our ministry an opportunity to have great impact and influence.

But to fully realized our goals we need a team of partners who will stand with us – particularly in this strategic effort to expand our local base of support from within Romania.  The Bible says it’s more blessed to give than to receive, and we want to help the Romanian church become a “giving” church but we can’t do it without your help.

Would you therefore prayerfully consider funding one or more teams at $2,500 per team to help them accomplish their ministry initiatives – whether working with churches of families, or among student or young professionals, or even reaching people via the internet.  Your partnership with us will make a difference.  God can use you to help hundred of people come to faith in Jesus, this year.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

Project management:

The National Leadership Team is formed by 6 staff members who are overseeing the whole ministry.

For donation:

 Campus Crusade for Christ International,

 P.O Box 628222, Orlando FL 32862-8222

Donation for Matching funds Romania, Account #0690149

Contact Information
